Social Anxiety And Panic Symptoms Help

18th November, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Severe Panic symptoms are associated with a number of anxiety disorders such as social phobia and agoraphobia. Those with social anxiety have intense fears of being ridiculed and embarrassed during public or social situations such as performing on stage or going to a party. The thought of making a fool of themselves in front of other people creates such fear that they will try and do anything to get out of it.

Social anxiety can be hereditary, although this is not the only cause for this disorder. Many experts believe that anyone can potentially develop social phobia. Bullied or abused children are much more likely to develop this disorder. Adults are still at risk of developing this disorder through learned negative habits.

Agoraphobia like social phobia, affects more women than it does men. Sufferers of agoraphobia are terrified of panic attacks occurring in public places. Common fears are crowded environments and places where one can’t escape easily. Meetings, standing in a queue or elevator are common situations that spark fear.

This demonstrates the similarities of social anxiety and agoraphobia. Panic attacks, were once considered only occurring in those with panic disorder. However many studies have shown that people with agoraphobia do not necessarily have a history of panic disorder.

There is also a slight difference with panic attacks in those with panic disorder, in that they’re unpredictable. Unlike agoraphobia panic symptoms trigger when the sufferer experiences a fear associated with their condition such as going to the supermarket. When an attack occurs a sufferer might experience a number of symptoms including a tightness in the chest and throat, shaking and palpitations.

A sufferer’s condition can quickly deteriorate and they might experience more frightening symptoms such as hyperventilation and depersonalization. In extreme cases people with agoraphobia stay at home for months at a time without stepping out. Life can be unbearable.

Life can feel extremely lonely and depressing with these disorders. Making a life, pursuing a career or having a relationship can seem like impossible tasks. Sufferers are at an increased risk of developing depression. In male sufferers, alcohol is often used to escape from panic symptoms and depression.

Breaking free from social phobia or agoraphobia is highly achievable with anxiety help. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is being increasingly used over medicine. People who are overcoming with such disorders find lifestyle changes a great aid to overall recovery. Also self help techniques including EFT, visualization and relaxation techniques very helpful.

Some agoraphobes may avoid going to see a doctor for anxiety help because they simply can’t do it. This dilemma means that potentially thousands or millions are not treated. Needless to say however, it’s vital to get expert help. It would be a good idea to have someone to support you on your visit.

Behavioral therapy might include techniques to help you adjust to your fears over time. Old behaviors can be replaced by new positive ones this way. Support groups are also available and can be a helpful addition to therapy. Getting support and supporting other sufferers can make one feel less alone. Alternatively there are forums and communities online for those who need support.

Posted on: November 18, 2009

Filed under: Obesity

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