What Are The 11 Forgotten Laws And How To Make Them Work For You

20th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What are the 11 forgotten laws? They are universal laws that work in addition to the law of attraction which some might be familar with from the movie “The Secret.” The law of attraction is simply stated like attracts like. If you think positive thoughts then positive things will happen and if you think negative things than that is what will happen. If used by itself attraction is powerful but if used in conjunction with the other 11 forgotten laws you will unlock power you never knew you had.

The 11 forgotten laws are eleven more laws that relate to, and work with, the law of attraction. Without these other laws you will not be able to get the most out of the law of attraction or life in general which is what it is really all about. The list of these laws is:

The Law of Thinking- Which teaches us that we become what we think about most.
The Law of Supply- We will naturally want more out of life and that is not greed that is our nature.
The Law of Attraction- We attract to ourselves what we put into the world with our thoughts and actions.
The Law of Receiving- The ability to graciously allow something to come to you.
The Law of Increase- Giving more will allow you to receive more.
The Law of Compensation- You get what you give, so to give value means to get value.
The Law of Non-Resistance- Live for the moment and do not fight against it.
The Law of Forgiveness- Forgive people to release vital energy that you lock when you blame and live with resentment.
The Law of Sacrifice- You have to be willing to pay the price to achieve what you desire .
The Law of Obedience- Work with the laws and they will work with you. Resist them, and they will work against you .
The Law of Success- Do more positive than negative things to be a success.

To truly become the most out of life you need to make sure that you put all of the laws into effect. You do have the option to use the laws independently of one another but if you want to get the full effect you have to make sure that you put all of the laws into play in your life and not just one or two of them.

The 11 forgotten laws will work for you if you work them. They will have a huge effect on ever single aspect of your life from in your family to at your job and beyond

To find out more about the 11 forgotten laws 11 forgotten laws please check out my site at Personal Development Today Personal Development for more information.

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