How To Quit Smoking Using Hypnotheraphy

4th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Anyone that ever tried to quit smoking recalls the battle between wanting to quit and wanting a cigarette. Although your logical brain understands you’ll survive the craving and that the change is good for you, your pleasure center in the brain basically wishes to breathe in the delightful toxin filled substance and get that kick when you take the initially hit off a cigarette.

A smoker that’s in the first few weeks of being tobacco free sees cigarettes and reminders everywhere. He/She notices people in their vehicles smoking and even envies the bum retrieving old smoke butts off the sidewalk. Ultimately, quite a few smokers drop back into their old pattern of smoking and to make it worse, they usually smoke more than they did before they quit.

You don’t have to face the continual battle of your health vs a smoke if you use hypnotherapy. Naturally, the craving for nicotine occurs in the first day or so while you withdraw, but after that, the craving is all in your mind, and thats’s where hypnotherapy works its magic. Even during the initial withdrawal phase, hypnotherapy can help you over the hurdle to become smoke free.

When you initially stop smoking, you have resolution and desire that wanes after several hours without a smoke. Stopping smoking is mastering a new life style with new associations. Hypnotherapy can help you learn a new pattern faster and adapt to the new life of a non-smoker more quickly.

Learning is what hypnosis is all about. Instead of relaxing and letting go, permitting your thoughts to wander, hypnotherapy relaxes you but intensifies your focus. In the hands of a skilled hypnotherapist, the “super focus” learns new methods of thinking. Instead of seeing cigarettes as your best friend, you learn to see them as disgusting and in the process, you not only change your thinking, you also change your habits.

Smoking, once you get past the craving for the nicotine, is absolutely nothing more than a habit you associate with almost everything in your life, if you’ve smoked for long. You use it as a stimulant, relaxer, method of celebrating, method of consoling and sometimes merely as something to do. You have years of ingrained memories linked with smoking and it’s a habit thats’s part of your life. In order to escape the habit, you have to have a change in mindset.

By employing the services of a qualified hypnotherapist mixed with self-hypnosis, you can make it through the battle with cigarettes. However, even though there’s evidence that hypnotherapy works to help you quit smoking, after a year, often people go right back to their friendly pack of cigarettes and begin again. Thats’s why maintaining a relationship and periodic meetings when required with the hypnotherapist after you stop is important. It’s somewhat like recharging your batteries when they get low.

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