Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar To the Body

20th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

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There are plenty of ways to cook with apple cider vinegar or ACV to come up with savory dishes. But aside from its value in the cooking area, ACV provides a number of health benefits. As a matter of fact, it has been taken advantage of over a thousand years back for its healing powers. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, made use of ACV to cure various types of health maladies.

The word vinegar is a French word meaning “sour wine”. It is produced using fermentation or the approach through food sugars are broken down by yeast and bacteria. The earlier stages of fermentation produce alcohol. Then, when the alcohol ferments more, it develops into vinegar. Commonly, vinegars are made with fermented fruits, vegetables and grains. But apple cider vinegar is produced from crushed apples.

Although the primary component of vinegar is acetic acid, it also includes other acids, mineral salts, vitamins and amino acids which are important in building a healthy and balanced body. Apple cider vinegar includes potassium which helps hinder baldness, weak teeth and drippy noses. It also has pectin which is known to moderate blood pressure and decrease blood cholesterol.

Another vital element in the healing power of apple vinegar is malic acid which aids your body to become much more insusceptible to bacteria, viruses and fungus. It also consists of ash which helps the body sustain good pH levels for a great alkaline condition. Furthermore, it can preserve good bone mass as a result of its calcium, silicone and magnesium content.

Several studies manifest that vinegar can help lower down blood sugar levels. As a matter of fact, in a previous study performed in 2007, 2 tablespoons of ACV before going to bed can cause lower sugar levels by 4% up to 6%. Given that ACV is highly acidic, it gives an efficient cure for halitosis or bad breath. All you should do is mix up half a tbsp of ACV in a cup of water. Then, you can use the concoction as an oral wash. Gargle your mouth with the solution for ten seconds or until you use up the whole cup.

Specialists also commend that ACV promotes weight management. It helps eliminate fatty tissues to make it easy for the body to use them rather than keep them. It aids to speed up your rate of metabolism, cleanse the liver, tone down cravings for food and produce energy. This is why many dieting techniques integrate apple cider vinegar for weight-loss.

In addition to loss of weight, ACV can treat intestinal spasms and diarrhea – mainly if it is caused by a microbial infection. A mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar and a cup of water is also known to avoid an upset stomach.

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