The Challenges In Leadership

6th July, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A person who is tired and stressed out from work tends to blame other people or the environment. Disagreements arise between the employee and the company or the employer. If this happens, expect for the worst to happen and that is the need to bring this issue in the court and the claiming for insurance.

Based on what those researchers in occupational health and safety said, employee’s stress or pressure can be reduced and that the problem in the context is when leaders or managers are not able to realize the issues that employees are handling. There was a psychologist in Sydney that claimed that the reason why managers fail to see the signs is that they are too consumed with their personal whereabouts. However, once these issues are reported to the human resources division, managers simply wave it off. Thanks for reading about online education, and get even more articles at cert 4 ohs.

There are times when managers desire to have that psychological skill that counselors have when they experience handling workers that always fret about something. So far, the toughest problem that the chief executive of a fashion business in Australia encountered is how to mend the personal problems of its employees with other employees, with over 2,500 staffs. He said that the retail industry is greatly involved with the staffs becoming exhausted with the customer’s demands and in addition, it requires long working hours. Taking a stress leave hasn’t been a problem in the company since according to him, there had only been two cases of employees who had to take a stress leave. It actually doesn’t need to go to this point because stress can be managed effectively if it comes early.

A statement was released by the US National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety that the emotional and physical aspect of a person whose job description isn’t at all suitable for his or her skills is how stress is defined. Most managers don’t give importance to stress. Still, for this instance, risk management is something that needs to be on the number one list. The government departments in Australia were accused of having inadequate number of employees and for declared bullying, and all this happened because of stress.

Those who direct a bunch of people or employees are those who are attacked by stress. The risk of psychological injury increases for those executives who tend to cover what they really feel about stress. If you like our article on online education then check out Cert 4 in OHS.

Many of the stressed out executives on big salaries are sleeping badly, are anxious, and cannot switch off. Stress management becomes so complex to control once a person releases it after some time all at once since all stress issues piled up.

Technology made a great impact to the workforce two decades ago since it promised work would be a lot easier. In fact, technology has brought great stress to the people because they now have to work seven days a week and still have to answer phone calls and emails even at home.

People have stress limits even if it is said to be that an ounce of stress makes a person stronger. In any developed country, it is evident that almost 30 percent of the residents would claim that they experience a huge amount of stress. Stress in chasing car accidents aren’t what the police mutter about instead it is the quarrels that they have with their coworkers and the paperwork that they handle, based on a research.

Workers prefer that they do not undergo management courses instead they experience a more hands-on training with the proper resources and communication, based on a survey done by Australian Council of Trade Unions. Who said leadership can easily be accomplished? The reality that the whole world needs to face is that job stress is something that we couldn’t get out with, according to the World Health Organization.

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