Three Strategies to Cure Diabetes

10th August, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is virtually common knowledge that once you get adult-onset diabetes, you have it for life. However, common knowledge has been known to be erroneous. Consider the fact that people used to think the world was flat, and you know how that turned out. The truth of the matter is that doctors and researchers have recently found 3 ways to eliminate adult-onset diabetes.

Carbohydrate Restricted Diet Programs

Low-carbohydrate diet programs including the South Beach Diet and Atkins are not widely accepted among medical professionals, especially among nutrition experts. However, numerous doctors have tried these types of diet programs with their own diabetic patients and found them to work. By substantially cutting the number of carbs consumed, the body must use protein for fuel and start eliminating the fat deposits which have built up. The reason for how and why this kind of diet is so effective is rather long and complex. However, the thing that really matters is that it does work. And these kinds of diet programs are good not only for curing adult-onset diabetes, but for slimming down as well.

Very Low-Cal Diet Plans

Research recently published by the Diabetologia journal studied 11 people who had adult-onset diabetes. These individuals were given a very low-cal diet for 8 weeks. During this time, their diets were made up only of non-starchy vegetables and Optifast meal replacement drinks. By the end of the first week, their glucose levels were within the normal range, and by the end of the 8-week study their insulin sensitivity levels had had become normal. You’ll need to have supervision by a physician if you would like to follow this diet, due to the fact that extreme restriction of calories is not safe for everybody.

Weight Loss Surgery

For adult-onset diabetes sufferers who have a BMI over 35, weight loss surgery is an alternative. Depending upon the type of procedure, around sixty to eighty percent of diabetes sufferers who get weight loss surgery can quit taking diabetes medication anywhere from a few days to a few weeks following the surgery. Even though the effects aren’t necessarily permanent, they last a minumum of one or two years in the majority of diabetes patients, and more than 35% of the diabetics who were studied still had control of their blood sugar levels ten years later. Weight loss surgery is really expensive, however, so it is almost certainly better to try the diets before looking into surgical options.

Adult-onset diabetes is a very serious disorder that can cause major complications, so it is imperative that you take action to keep it under control. By applying one of these plans under your doctor’s supervision, you might even have the ability overcome the disease altogether.

Therefore, we need to consume the Healthy Beverages to prevent and cure diabetes. You may find more about Health Supplements here.

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Posted on: August 10, 2011

Filed under: Health

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