Prune Juice as a Treatment for Constipation in Kids

5th November, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Constipation in children is usually stressful for parents also. This is also true when emerging constipation in toddlers causes abdominal ache. With the varying causes of constipation, parents need to be on the lookout for any signs that their kids might not be eradicating waste efficiently. By spotting warning signs of oncoming constipation, they’re able to take steps to avoiding it, but there are certain things that can be done after the little one is already constipated.

Preventing and curing constipation in children should be done through nutritional endeavors on a regular basis, including making sure that sufficient fiber is introduced into the diet. This is not possible for infants on a liquid diet, but for those over 4 months of age, prune juice is a great alternative.

Prune juice employed for constipation in youngsters succeeds because its full of sorbitol. Sorbitol passes gently via the gut, and on its way it holds water which increases the dampness in stools which makes them a lot easier and more likely to pass.

Although prune juice may not be palatable to some people, when constipation in toddlers occurs parents search for the safest approach to deal with it for fast relief. Prune juice is the general favorite. However, it is sometimes tricky to talk small children into taking a sip. To treat this, many parents are determined to add their child’s favorite juice into the mix. This has revealed great results.

It will depend on the severity of the constipation whether or not this cure for constipation in youngsters will work or not. Children that are attempting to pass hard stools might not find relief, and for this reason parents should always be searching for indications of the onset of constipation. By eliminating constipation in toddlers quickly and before it gets worse, constipation shouldn’t be difficult to take care of.

Incorporating fiber into the meals are the easiest way to deal with constipation in youngsters before it gets started, but that’s not always enough. Sometimes constipation is brought on by illness when a fever is present. Fever is likely to dehydrate the entire body which often reduces the amount of moisture in the stools. For this reason and others, it is crucial that parents motivate children to drink as much juice as possible during this time period. Including a little prune juice with other juices is a wonderful strategy to treating constipation before it even gets started. Whilst the dosage amounts required for constipation in youngsters may differ, here are some tips:

– Infants of up to 6 months of age may be given 1 to 2 tablespoons of watered down prune juice per day.

– After 6 months they can be given as much as 8 ounces of prune juice at a time.

– Once your child is over 2 years of age it can be hard to find out simply how much is required, but parents can consult with their pediatrician for guidelines.

Constipation in youngsters and in toddlers is often distressing, but with the appropriate treatment you and your youngster can be more comfortable.

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