Prunes and Prune Juice are Natural Laxatives

12th November, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is infrequent that the conversation includes constipation, but that certainly does not mean that thousands of adults are not experiencing the discomfort it can cause every day. The good news we have to tell is that genuine natural laxatives can have a beneficial effect on this condition, but one must also look at the cause.

The cause of constipation is often not getting sufficient amounts of dietary fiber, but there are different causes to consider as well. One of the biggest culprits is the medication that many people take every day. By finding out where the source of your constipation exists, there is always the opportunity to do something to prevent its re-occurrence.

Prune juice and prunes are well recognized as the most effective treatment in the long term for constipation, no matter what the cause. Prune juice and prunes are the most beneficial natural laxative for constipation ever discovered. And they are an all natural laxative which can be used every day because of the gentle action they provide.

Some people enjoy using prune juice because of their trouble chewing, nevertheless there are still great benefits that are offered by the juice even though the fiber has been removed. For instance, it contains sorbitol which absorbs fluids as it passes around the intestines. This fluid makes it easier to pass stools.

You may not have heard, but in many instances the natural laxative action that comes with prunes requires that only two of them be ingested in order to reap the benefits. In fact, there are two grams of your daily fiber requirements when you eat only two prunes. This is very effective for eliminating constipation, and one of the natural laxatives which has a track record for success.

Just like their counterparts prune juice, there is also sorbitol contained in this dried fruit, and that goes a long way when it comes to preventing and relieving constipation. You have the option whether you bite into prunes or drink the delicious liquid which is produced when prunes are juiced.

Along with the fiber and sorbitol which we know is contained in prunes, there is also dihxdroxphenyl isatin in them. This element causes fluids to be brought into the intestines from the intestinal lining to help soften stools. We all realize that dryer stools are more difficult to pass or constipation, and moister stools typically pass with little effort.

With the plethora of information about the natural laxative benefits of prunes and prune juice, it is no wonder lots of doctors and other professionals in the area of healthcare recommend that patients who suffer from constipation use them. Along with how they relieve this condition, in addition they contain essential vitamins and minerals which are often lost when patients use chemical products for this purpose.

Prunes are frequently eaten with a meal which can be one of the easiest ways to receive the benefits from natural laxatives due to the fact that they taste so good. You can share them with whomever is around your table, and the truth is that no one will turn them down. If you are experiencing occasional problems with constipation, or often have to battle such a condition, prunes or prune juice might be the answer that you are looking for.

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