The Benefits of Prune Juice

22nd January, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Prune juice can be a delightful drink which is abundant in nutrients that can supply the body with a number of advantages. Before you decide to write this healthy refreshment off as being a one trick pony, you need to take a look at everything it can do for you.

One of the first actual benefits of prune juice that you’re going to get is basically that you possess the chance to lessen toxins and improve your general wellness with each glass that you drink. This is because the juice includes high numbers of antioxidants which help to counteract damage to your cells reducing the risks of certain conditions.

People who’ve a medical history of heart disease within their family, or those people who are smokers will find that the antioxidants in prune juice can reduce their risks for cancer and heart related illnesses. Needless to say, quitting smoking and eating healthy food can also prove to be truly useful in combination with a hearty glass of sweet prune juice on a daily basis.

Just one more of the great things about prune juice will be the healthy levels of copper it can provide the body. This copper is going to help to back up the liver, brain as well as other organs that can assist your wellbeing. Together with the additional advantage of taking in a liquid that can help to lower the chance of dehydration, you will see that your body is truly looking and feeling better than it otherwise would due to the prune juice that you can enjoy.

Certainly, the capability to combat constipation is another of the great things about prune juice that many people know. This stems from the insoluble fiber that can be found in the juice, that also helps to detoxify the colon of harmful toxins that may accumulate. This includes a reduction in the amount of estrogen within the body that may potentially help prevent breast cancer.

With all of these benefits, there isn’t any doubt you’re ready to try a glass. However, for a few prune juice can be an acquired taste. If the taste is off putting for you, don’t let it come between you and the benefits to your wellbeing. Alternatively, you can create a healthy drink that brings the healthy attributes of the prunes and combines these with some choice fruits.

Wonderful Prune Juice Cocktail


– Juice of one apple
– Juice of one pear
– Half a cup of prune juice

How to Make It

Inside a large glass, take the juice from your apple and pear and blend it with a half cup of prune juice. This gives you a delightful drink which will have you ready for an additional glass in the evening. What’s even better, the apple and pear juices add additional nutritional benefits.

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