What Should You Be Looking For Before Purchasing Your Probiotic Supplement?

5th October, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Probiotics have made the news and judging from current studies, there seems to be very good reason. Studies are now learning the significance of having a healthy balance of beneficial and bad flora in your digestive system. Your overall wellness, physically, emotionally and mentally is dependant on it.

The question is, how do you select in between all the latest brand names that are appearing everywhere? How many billions of good flora should you search for? How many various strains should be detailed on the label? Does it truly matter where the probiotics are made?

Probiotic Supplements

You need to make certain your probiotic supplement is made in a country where you trust the manufacturing guidelines. Numerous companies have relocated their manufacturing facilities overseas and quality is, often, doubtful. You want to make certain your probiotic is created with the very best ingredients available under stringent guidelines.

Professionals suggest at least 5 billion CFU (colony forming units) however 10 billion each day minimum, is preferable. It could take a couple of weeks for these fantastic little bugs to colonize and restore balance to your intestine. But once they do, you'll notice a positive change in how you feel.

When trying to find a probiotic, how do you choose which one to purchase? Some have 20 strains, others have one strain and there appears to be a substantial array between.

Think about it this way. If you build a home, would you want your framer doing the electrical? Or should your plumber also do your tile work or build your kitchen cabinets?

Not likely. Each contractor has an area they specialize in. It works the same with probiotic supplements. There are various strains and they have various tasks in various areas of the digestive system. It is suggested to search for a probiotic with at least 5 strains that number in the billions for each strain.

L. Acidolphilus works to re-adjust the proper PH level in your body, destroying pathogenic microorganisms.
L. Casei aids in the growth of L. Acidophilus and assists with defense against pathogens
Bacillcus Subtillus triggers human defence systems, fighting off viruses, yeast overgrowth and pathogens
L. Plantarum protects against yeast overgrowth from antibiotics, both from our doctor and from the majority of the meat we consume.

Other probiotic strains to look for are L. Rhamnosus and B. Breve.

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