Tips On How To Take Care Of Dry Skin

24th November, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If your facial skin is getting flaky, dry, and itchy, you are not alone. Many men and women suffer from this unwanted skin condition daily. The condition can show up for a number of reasons but that does not mean that fixing the condition will be quick. But there are a few things that you can do to start repairing this condition and to get healthy skin once again. Read on for some steps you can take, right now, to heal and enhance your facial skin.

Wash your face less. This is one of the most overlooked healthy skin care tips and tricks. At first, you may think this is not a good idea, but sometimes water can harm your skin. Human skin requires a pH level that is slightly acidic, and water tends to make the pH more alkaline. Instead of using just water, mix 5 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar and you can start reducing dryness on your skin.

Hot water should not be used on your skin. Your skin is maintained by natural skin oils. But when you use hot water, they get washed away. When these oils are removed, the result is dry skin and a moisturizer cannot replace these oils for you.

Use skin care products that are designed for your skin type. Some facial cleansers over-strip your skin of its oils. This causes rebound oiliness — your skin actually produces more oil to compensate. The better option is to use a cleanser that is gentle so that the over abundance of oil does not occur.

Skin Care Tips For Flawless Skin

Keep your skin type in mind when choosing skin moisturizers. The most expensive moisturizer is not always the best, and it helps to get samples or small bottles first so that you can try a moisturizer out. Your house may actually have several ingredients in it that can be used to make a moisturizer that is better than anything you can find in the stores. Do a quick Internet search to find out how you can make your own.

Keeping your skin exfoliated is important. Getting older means that our skin cells do not regenerate as quickly as before. Your healthy skin can become covered by dead skin cells, which results in dull looking skin. You should not over-exfoliate either so be sure to use a gentle product. Some products designed for micro-dermabrasion are safe for daily use.

Hydration is the key, Dehydration is often something that is underestimated. When you have chapped lips, you are most likely dehydrated. This causes facial skin to look thin, papery and saggy. Plus, you will often be very tired when your body is dehydrated.

Get plenty of good foods and vitamins in your diet. You can ensure that your skin and body receive all of the essential vitamins by taking a B-complex or multi-vitamin on a daily basis. Quality sleep helps as well. Alcohol will dehydrate your body so indulge in moderation.

Keeping healthy skin does not mean you have to spend lots of money and use up a lot of time each day. Keep your eyes open for anti aging tips for skin. Try some of the tips mentioned above, and watch how beautiful, moist and radiant your skin starts to look!

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