Acai Berry Supplements Are Good for Residents of Singapore

10th October, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The acai berry is one of the most popular health supplements in the world. People in Singapore and around the world are taking this supplement to help them feel better, have more energy, and even lose weight. If you are looking for acai berry Singapore information and facts about the acai berry in general, you have come to the right place.

The acai berry grows in the rain forests and flood plains of South America. It comes from the same tree that produces heart of palm, the acai palm tree. This berry has more antioxidants than well known antioxidant powerhouses like the blueberry and pomegranate. It also has healthy doses of omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids as well as dietary fiber. When you put it all together, it is easy to see why so many people take this super fruit and call it the healthiest food on the planet.

The acai berry has been eaten by the local people for centuries, but has only recently become popular around the world. The reason for this is that it spoils quickly so it needs to be processed right away. Health supplement companies have now done this and have made acai berry supplements available around the world.

When choosing acai berry supplements, you have two main choices. You can get a combination supplement that includes several natural ingredients to help you lose weight or you can get a pure supplement.

If you are looking for pure acai berry supplements in Singapore, there are two well known companies that ship their supplements to Singapore. Amazon Thunder sells acai berry puree, powder, and capsules. You can buy single bottles or get package deals that can save you money. The second company is called Cloudnine and they have a pure acai berry capsule supplement. They offer a free trial as well as good prices on single bottles or better prices on package deals.

You can also choose to get complete weight loss supplements if you want more than just the health benefits of a pure supplement. Acai Power Blast is one of the most popular supplements around the world and they usually ship to Singapore. To find out more about acai berry Singapore offers, click the link and get started today.

Before I go, I want to mention one thing about free trials. While they can be a good way to get supplements for only the cost of shipping, they usually come with an automatic monthly shipment unless you cancel it. Make sure you read the offer details so you know what to expect and how to cancel if you don’t want more supplements.

For the record, I am not a physician and have never had any formal medical training. This article is presented for informational purposes only from my own personal experiences and research. Before starting any new diet or exercise program, you should check with your doctor. You should also pay attention to your body whenever you start something new and keep an eye out for side effects or allergies. Good luck on your health and fitness quest!

Posted on: October 10, 2009

Filed under: Health

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