Good Workplace Health Means No Back Pain

14th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With the rate that healthcare costs is rising, it is fast becoming one of the biggest concerns of the modern society.Ordinary people are being infected by more highly complex diseases and illnesses that results to high healthcare costs which are giving the government and private sectors a hard time to manage. This also concerns the increase in workplace healthcare costs.

A central figure when it comes to issues like healthcare costs is the workplace, since almost everyone in the population needs to work to earn a living. It is believed that just by implementing good health and safety programs in the workplace, costs of healthcare can be substantially reduced and controlled. Back pain is one of the biggest workplace health issues, and the article will be looking at this. Expert resources on Fruit Basket are located on that site.

Back pain and some other musculoskeletal aches or pains are the most frequently used reason of employees for taking a sick leave. Back pain is commonly the health issue being complained by most people. Enforcing a workplace health program to address the issue of back pains can help a company avoid losing financially because of employees coming to work less often and resulting to low productivity.

There may be times that people who are experiencing back pains have some other underlying sickness or disease, but most of the time it is nothing serious. Back pain, in the form of neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, tailbone pain and whether acute or chronic are usually caused by heavy manual labor, repetitive tasks, sitting idle at workstations for extended periods of time and anything basically that requires stretching, bending, pushing and pulling actions regularly. It is important the the workplace health conditions are improved keeping in mind that back pain is common among employees, no matter what their tasks are.

It is highly suggested that employees should have some sort of opportunity in their workplace health policy that will allow them to do some basic stretching or moving around to eliminate back pain. If a company is just starting out, having an interior designer design a more ergonomic working environment can do wonders down the road. Providing seats that supports the back can help employees who tend to sit on their desks for long periods of time. Contact this website if you require information on Fruit Delivery Sydney.

Companies should be able to give their employees some opportunity to exercise by hosting some sports events or maybe a company outing wherein employees can work out. Giving employees a chance to exercise will show them that it is important for the company that they have proper work life balance, as well as them having a healthy well being. The company may also benefit from implementing these workplace health programs with huge costs saving down the line.

Workplace health is not only the responsibility of the employer but by its beneficiaries as well. Employees’ cooperation can be a large part on managing and preventing back problems. Employers should give proper education to their employees as to how to personally manage back pains, and should listen to employees’ suggestion as to how to improve the workplace.

Employees can devise their own way of preventing back pain and increase overall workplace health when their employers wouldn’t listen to suggestions. A common suggestion to remedy back problems in the office are ergonomic chairs that are costly, thus being rejected by companies, so what some employees do is to put a small pillow behind the back to relieve them of back pain. Employees have their own decision on how to use their free time outside the office, therefore it is in their own accord whether they would spend this time exercising or not.

As a lasting thought, back pain is very big issue not just for the employee him or herself, but also the employer.It is up to both to make sure the workplace is a friendly ergonomically designed environment that promotes safety and productivity. Lastly, a workplace health program needs discussions between both staff and management to grow into one that is effective.

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