Growing Your Own Vegetables In Your Garden

16th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people think that growing your own vegetables is a difficult thing to do. The reality is that if you can spend a bit of time each day maintaining and looking after your veg then you can achieve great results. You also don’t need a lot of space to be able to grow your own vegetables. You could use a local allotment or a small raised garden bed and still get an abundance of great tasting organic vegetables. There are a whole range of different benefits to growing our own vegetables and here are five of the best.

1. To Save Money – Planting your own vegetables will help you to save money on your weekly grocery shopping. When you buy a packet of salad or a bag of carrots you tend to buy more than you need. You will often find yourself throwing away veg that has gone off but with your own veg you will end up just using what you will need avoiding wasteful spending.

2. To Keep Healthy – Everyone knows that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day to have a healthier lifestyle. Growing your own vegetables will encourage you to eat more fresh greens more often. Not only this but spending time in the garden preparing the soil and maintaining everything you are growing is good exercise.

3. You Know What Has Been Put On Them – Even when you buy organic, you never really know what has been put on them or the soil. Obviously pesticides are useful for protecting crops from being destroyed by pests and disease but it is unclear as to how much they effect the taste of your food. When you are growing your own vegetables you can control exactly what is being put on to the crops and in the soil.

4. Because They Are Tastier – Freshly grown organic vegetables taste so much better than store bought ones. Before vegetables in a shop or supermarket make it to the shelves they have had to of been picked, gathered and transported. This means that a lot of that truly fresh organic flavour is lost during this process.

5. To Get Your Kids To Eat Them – It can often be a struggle to get children to eat things that are good for them. By showing your children how you go about growing fruit and vegetables in your garden will give them more of an interest when it comes to gardening and to trying new foods. Lets face it, anything that can help to prevent your children from becoming salad dodgers has to be worth trying.

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