Pair Your Beer with Gouda Cheese

17th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A great shift in the traditional wine and cheese pairing is happening today. The supremacy of wine as the cheese pairing beverage of choice has faded and today, Americans are holding beer mugs instead of wine glasses.

Say one day you came home and bought some beer, and decided to hop in the beer and cheese bandwagon. Looking at your beer, you want to find the best cheese that you can pair it with. You have two options for this scenario: first, you can go and specifically choose the right type of cheese for the right kind of beer. Or, you can buy the cheese that goes well for any kind of beer. If you do not have the patience to get caught up in details, then perhaps option number two is for you. I recommend that you start your beer and cheese journey with Gouda Cheese, because whatever beer you are having, there is no room for disappointment with this type of cheese.

Just like any other product and belief, a number of cheeses also go in and out of fashion. That includes The Netherland’s popular cheese Gouda, which has felt a slight decline in its reputation in the past few years. Sneering connoisseurs believe that this particular cheese is ridiculously bland, with a texture that only kids can appreciate, and has no character at all. But before you look down on this sweet and tasty little cheese, Gouda cheese has more than what meets the tongue.

It is true that Goudas are milder cheeses, with a smooth and buttery texture. But depending on how long it has been aged, Goudas vary in texture and taste. Actually, softer cheeses are aged briefly compared to harder, firmer cheeses. Most uptight cheese experts turn up their noses at young Goudas, but have much respect for the more mature members of the family. Just like other more aged cheeses, aged Gouda tends to be harder in texture than young Gouda, almost the same texture as Parmigiano Reggiano. Aged Gouda has a complex flavor an intense, butterscotch caramel, salty yet leaning on the sweet side taste often described generally as caramelized of toffee-like.

This rare combination of sweetness makes Gouda the best pair for any beer. Actually, beer is the most ideal complement for cheese in several cultures across the globe. Actually, beer is the de facto complement for cheese in several cultures all around the world. . This is no surprise because cheese and beer practically grew up in the farm together the grain used to produce beer is often the same grain that is fed to milk-animals that produce cheese. Aside from that, the flavors of beer and cheese that earthly, yeasty, musty, fruity, rich, and floral taste coincides in such a way that wine and cheese cannot.

Gouda cheese is salty-sweet, nutty, and sharp. What better way to chase its sweet taste with a refreshing bottle of Lager? Enjoy a few bottles with your friends and order Gouda cheese today!

You ought to get and out and buy Gouda cheese at your local cheese shop.

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Posted on: October 17, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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