Amazing Considerations On Changing Your Life Through A Sensible Diet

27th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We all know that we need to change our diets to a holistic nutrition approach, and avoid the sugar, dairy, processed oils and white flour. These products can cause aging and disease and their elimination can cause miraculous healing in those who are suffering from chronic diseases. These products also cause inflammation and severely damage tissues and arteries throughout the body.

Make no mistake about it, sugar and flour are deadly and can ruin your life. In an average year, 160 pounds of sugar and 200 pounds of white flour find their way into our bodies and our children are exposed to them from an early age. They build up an addiction resulting in lifelong health problems and elevated blood sugar levels. When our blood sugar level increases, free radicals begin the process of inflammation right away and the disease process ensues. It is very difficult to avoid these poisons that are included in all kinds of foods within our “staple” diet — breakfast cereals, cakes, pasta, bread, soft drinks, candy, it’s really sad!

These days, milk products are also culprits as modern herds eat tainted grain that affects the proportions of fatty acids in the milk. Imbalance is caused when Omega-3 fats are stripped out. One out of every two of us is actually allergic to dairy without even knowing it!

Our diet situation is compounded due to the fact that oils and fats have an excess amount of Omega-six fatty acids. Reaction after reaction takes place within our bodies, causing chronic inflammation. If we were to consume these elements in an equal way then we would be able to live in harmony as we once did, but unfortunately we ingest as much as 30 times as much Omega-6, as we do Omega-3.

If you notice depression, you can make a dietary change by improving the oil quality used. How about making your own salad dressing? Use extra virgin olive oil or flax seed oil. Heated oils such as soy, safflower and canola can all cause inflammation.

The problems go on — grain fed beef, farmed fish and poultry all have excessive Omega-6 contents. Altogether, these add up to a huge excess of inflammatory compounds. As inflammation continues, disease results and the only way to avoid this is to replace poor choices with healthy fats and oils.

Within the last couple of generations, as holistic nutrition has become ever less present in our society, we have markedly changed the way that we consume foods and we are setting ourselves up for serious and considerable problems.

We do not receive the nutrients we need as we do not pay attention to holistic nutrition, as pretty much everything that comes in a box, jar or can is processed and has nutrients removed. In place of nutrients, we find artificial colors and flavors, toxins and preservatives and our bodies have to work very hard just to remove these toxins and avoid a serious weight gain problem. Other elements, added to our foods are causing us to gain weight. You will find dangerous trans fats, neurotoxins such as aspartame and high fructose corn syrup in processed foods.

Even as we try to maintain a productive and functional distribution system, chemicals find their way unchecked into our food systems. Just think of all those pesticides, fungicides, larvacides and insecticides that find their way into our bodies. Chemicals proliferate in our foods, which are high in calories, but low in nutrients. Little wonder that we feel lethargic, overweight and drained all the time.

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Posted on: April 27, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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