Secrets Exposed For A Long-Lasting Life

13th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As you age, all levels of body hormones such as HGH lowers down. This will be the start where you feel that your body condition decelerates.

There are secrets to actually attain good health. And when you know that your body is in its most tip-top shape, you glow. While a good diet and some regular exercise make the best weapon, there are also little things you can do to improve your health.

First of all, break out the mints. People who eat garlic and onions the most have very least possibility of having cancer; this is according to the researchers from Europe. The risk of having a colon cancer, for example, reduces by more that 50 percent once you take more than seven servings of onion each week. Eating garlic, on the other hand, lowers the risk by about 25 percent or slightly higher. No one is really sure exactly what substances are responsible for the good effects but certain lab tests suggest that the sulfur compounds that give the vegetables their bite may also be cancer fighters. If you don’t enjoy it, caramelizing onions make it sweeter. To have a minty-fresh breath after eating these, just do not forget to have mints.

The benefits of tea to health have been made known by several studies that had been conducted. They have shown how it lowers the risks of heart disease, stroke, and possibly, even certain types of cancers. But does it deliver the most touted benefit: too soothe and calm? The one’s who drink black tea had actually been found that have lesser stress hormone cortisol levels compared to those who drinks something else. High levels of cortisol can weaken your immune system and they’ve also been linked with cravings for foods that are high in sugar and fat. So, if you are too depress, try having a cup of tea instead of crying out for a pie.

Do you also have an idea that your handbag can actually weigh for about 10 pounds? Therefore, having problems on your neck and shoulder will no longer be a wonder if you carry one over your shoulder. Make sure not to put too much weight on your bag and interchange it between your shoulders often. Make sure that you can just swap you bag back and forth from hand to hand, thus select a smaller one.

In addition, a hazy apple juice can do better than the clear one. The sullener part contains up to four times more level of antioxidants as the filtered variety, this one is called cider. You have to consume the whole apple with the skin if you wish to keep the doctor away. It is healthier and a very good antiaging than any other form of drinks.

Also, red meat isn’t your friend. You already know that greasy burgers aren’t exactly ranked high on the good nutrition list. What you may not know, however, is the fact that too much red meat may pose a health risk. Women who ate more than the required servings of red meat weekly were also twice as likely to develop estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Eat only smaller amounts of it. It is not compulsory to avoid red meat especially if you love this type of food. You may still eat these, just make sure to have some and not too frequent and smaller servings only. These are best anti aging solution and your life will even be saved by these surprising facts. Be aware of what you do and take care of your body while you still can so that you can grow old gracefully.

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