Advice On Ways To Help Reduce Belly Fat Fast!

16th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While some foods help you reduce belly fat, others actually turn into the adipose tissues that enlarge the waist line. Here are the things you should eliminate from your diet, as well as those that become the absolute must of healthy living.

Many foods widely available on the market contain substances that are detrimental to our health and weight, this is the case with trans fats that get stored in the abdominal area. The hydrogenated oils used in pastries, crackers, cookies and margarines are trans fats. These are the number one killers of all your efforts to reduce belly fat.

Refined carbohydrates and sugars also turn into adipose tissues around the waist. As long as you eat junk food, and constantly consume such substances as part of your daily diet, there is no chance for you to lose weight and get content with your waist size. A better physical shape comes with cleaning your body and eliminating anything harmful from diet and lifestyle.

Alcohol or beer to be more precise is another culprit for abdominal fat. This is why one of the colloquial names of abdominal obesity is beer belly. It is usually specific to men and it results from the excessive consume of beer, combined with a sedentary lifestyle. The beer belly perfectly matches the description of a couch potato. It takes a good amount of will and personal determination to actually reduce belly fat under the circumstances.

There is also good food that can efficiently help you reduce belly fat when the diet is supported by plenty of physical activity, good night rest and a healthy lifestyle. We can mention the following foods that improve digestion, accelerate the metabolism and provide plenty of nutrients:

– wholegrain cereals;
– leafy green vegetables;
– nuts, almonds and seeds;
– colored fruit (especially lemons, limes, oranges, strawberries, avocado, kiwis, etc);
– plenty of water and fresh juices;
– low fat dairy products;
– fish, poultry and any other lean meat.

There are some herbs and plants that stimulate the metabolism and have proven efficiency for weight loss treatments. Green tea makes an excellent example here. It cleanses the digestive tract due to its mild laxative action, it prevents cellular oxidation and it boosts up energy levels. And this example is not by far singular.

The number of tips available for people trying to reduce belly fat can be overwhelming and confusing. The important thing is to avoid excess of whatever nature, and keep both diet and physical training balanced.

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