Purell Hand Sanitizer For Your Other Times

13th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s common knowledge these days that colds and flu spread by air and by physical contact with people who are carrying the germs. Strange as it may seem it’s easier to pick up disease germs by shaking hands than by kissing. Purell hand sanitizer can help minimize the danger of shaking hands.

There’s not much anyone can do about the dangers of kissing. Shaking hands can spread germs when not wearing disposable gloves. Kissing leads to all sorts of things.

Many middle aged couples can gaze upon a houseful of children, a yard full of bicycles and skateboards and a thirty-year mortgage and recall that it all started with a kiss. There’s nothing any hand cleaning product could have done to stop that runaway stage coach. But now that the unwary kissers are surrounded by little germ carriers hand washing and hand sanitizer might help to slow down the spread of loathsome diseases.

Anyone who works in a hospital knows the importance of washing before eating. Even if you are just a janitor or a chaplain or something totally non-medical, your orientation will probably include horrifying movies. These films are made in the same spirit as the ones they used to show in Driver Education classes before they were outlawed as cruel and unusual punishment.

These films, with minimal production values but a lot of enthusiasm, will show you what happens to someone who unknowingly comes in contact with something that was touched by a patient with a loathsome, incurable disease. That person very foolishly neglects to wash his or her hands before eating lunch. Guess who winds up with the loathsome disease.

Hospital employees and presumably other people who work with the public or with food learn to wash hands with hot water and soap and vigorous rubbing. The guideline is to rub hands vigorously with soap and water for as long as it takes to sing happy birthday all the way through twice. Don’t rush it like you can’t wait for the cake. Sing it slowly like you are trying to embarrass your best friend in public.

After a fresh batch of new hires sees the hand-washing horror movie, the employee restrooms sound like one big birthday party. That’s good as far as it goes but even hospital employees don’t have access to hot water and soap everywhere they go. Fortunately many heath care facilities and other public places make available dispensers of antibacterial products for general use.

Hygiene enthusiasts are happy to see that many grocery stores provide disposable wipes for cleaning grocery cart handles. Nobody seems to mind if you grab a couple extra and give your hands a good scrubbing. Most people don’t wash every time they touch money, blow their nose or pet an animal but they probably should.

There are many opportunities in the course of a day to pick up germs and far fewer opportunities to wash. Any time you can kill a few disease bearing bacteria, it’s probably a good idea without having to wear vinyl gloves. You could buy a few boxes of those grocery cart wipers to keep in your car. And you could stock up on Purell hand sanitizer to carry in pocket or purse.

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