The Low Carb Pizza

19th April, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For as long as we can remember, the pizza we all know and love has been around for ages. Many low carb dieters say that it’s the one thing they end up craving on a low carb diet. I don’t know what it is about pizzas that has such an addictive effect on people. Perhaps it has something to do with all that grated cheese and tomato sauce. It works, though, whatever it is. A low-carb pizza then, is proving to be the answer to that ‘problem.’

The concept of low carb pizza is quite hard to put a handle on despite the many low carb food recipes out there. But the most amazing thing about this whole thing is how this low carb pizza still manages to be so tasty! You would have a hard time telling the difference between this pizza and your regular pizza! An added bonus is how you can also add your much loved basil, pepperoni and sausage as toppings.

Pizza and its derivatives have been around for centuries. The food originated as a flatbread. People wanted to add more flavor to the plain flatbread and thus, more and more ingredients have been added to it. Soon, even oil was added as toppings. It has its roots in the Mediterranean where people still love to eat focaccia and other types of flavored flatbread. When tomatoes were added to the pizza, it really began to take off. People were originally wary of eating tomatoes, thinking them to be poisonous; however, no one could deny how flavorful they were. Naples became the heart of this pizza revolution. It has become a major draw of tourists and foreigners as they all flocked to this city to have a taste of their pizza. Famous authors from that era have even documented the rise of the pizza. Some Italians believe that pizzas should be kept pure, i.e. either with a marinara sauce or with a tomato sauce. Other toppings only came about later.

With such a rich history, there is no wonder why a lot of people are enamored with pizza. However, studies have shown that pizzas are unhealthier than many other foods like bread to people. Some scientists speculate that it is the combination of carbohydrates from the crust, fats from the cheese, and protein from the meat toppings that make it a deadly food.

We are all very concerned about our health today. You might ask why Italians are so skinny when they have been eating pizzas for so long. There are many ways to answer that. For one thing, they are simply genetically skinny; for another, compared to Americans, they manage to exercise more. They eat smaller portions and of course they don’t actually consume pizza every single day! Even though pizza may be popular in Italy, many Italians eat other dishes. Although they eat pasta and bread, they do not overeat and only consume enough. Italian food, as we know it, is not actually what Italians eat.

Regardless, our fondness for pizza is not going to stop any time soon, so we have to deal with it another way. Which explains why low carb pizza is considered invaluable. Because of it, we can still enjoy our much loved foods without worrying about unhealthy consequences. Pizza enjoyment couldn’t get any better than this!

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Posted on: April 19, 2012

Filed under: Nutrition

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