Foods Supplements Used For Acne

8th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most of the time, we focus on how to prevent acne, by using products that are applied directly on the face or pimple. Although this seems to work well, let’s not forget the health issues that can affect our skin from the inside. This is where we should start thinking about vitamins for acne.

There are actually some medicines out there for acne that you can take without the help of a physician. They basically keep they skin healthy by acting out as supplements. Following are some food supplements for acne that can supplement your fight against pimples.

Vitamin E Supplement

Basically, vitamin speeds up scar healing. When ingested orally, it can definitely improve a person’s skin tone. You can also apply it directly on the skin.

Using Vitamin C

One thing lemon and orange both have is vitamin C. Another thing is that they are some of the most common things fruits for treating acne and acne scars. It not only works with the immune system but keeps the skin healthy.

Vitamin D

Skin usually start to bloom when exposed to early morning sunlight. Try soaking up the skin for ten minutes every day to make your skin healthier.

Essential Fatty Acids

There are those who believe that essential fatty acids or lack of them can cause the eruption on acne. Although yet unproven, the use of EFA really has positive effects on a person’s skin. Fish, soybeans and primrose are some of the food types where EFA is abundant.

Zinc and Copper

Both zinc and copper are capable of speeding up skin regeneration. It also has the ability to fight off any bacteria entering the body. However, zinc ingestion must be maintained within specific levels, otherwise it can be deadly.

Learning how to prevent acne isn’t really that hard. Basically, you will only find it hard looking for the brand that works for you. If you’ll notice, by eating a healthy diet, you can easily get those acne supplements shown above.

So what does this tell you? That a good skin isn’t just about facial creams and toners. They are also affected by the nutrients that enter your body. I have also noticed that frequent exercises significantly minimize the break out of acne. The sweat basically cleans up the blocked pores. Those who smoke however have higher chances of having acne.

Aside from these supplements and a few lifestyle changes, don’t forget to maintain a proper hygiene. Always make sure that your face is clean. Test products first by applying them on a small patch of skin.

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Posted on: August 8, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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