Endovenous Thermal Ablation Surgery – Offering An Easier And Faster Alternative

20th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Veins often become more noticeable as women and men age. Thanks to the latest technology, vein help is a procedure that plastic surgeons can now offer. This provides quick, safe, and effective treatment for superficial spider veins and even bigger blue veins on the leg. It can be performed on any type, color, or tone of skin. Candidates should ideally be non-smokers who are healthy, physically and psychologically.

Veins from other areas of the body can also be removed. However, knotted varicose veins are not suitable for this procedure. The surgeon first assesses each individual patient and then decides on the best treatment. In the majority of cases, blue leg veins, spider, and facial veins respond very well. Spider veins occur frequently on the ankles, thighs, calves, and face. They not only look unsightly but they can produce discomfort like aching, burning, and swelling. These symptoms are often more prevalent at night and therefore they can cause disturbed sleep.

The laser delivers an intense light that coagulates the blood inside the veins. Eventually, they disintegrate and are absorbed into the body. Blood flow adjusts itself automatically to run through other veins that are deeper under the skin.

The color of the vessels, as well as the number and size, will determine how many treatments are necessary. While the process is being done, the patient feels a stinging sensation when the pulses are being delivered. To eliminate spider veins, anesthesia or painkillers are not usually administered. However, for larger leg veins, a topical anesthesia is applied.

Post-treatment pain is minor and, in some cases, non-existent but there may be some bruising and redness. After the removal of bigger veins, a brown-reddish pigment may appear but, after a few months, it will fade. If you are having leg veins treated, the surgeon will advise you to wear a supportive stocking afterwards for a set period of time.

There may also be swelling of the skin but this should disappear within 24 hours. In rare instances, blistering can occur. Patients are generally able to resume their normal activities straight after laser surgery. However, strenuous exercise and vigorous activities should be avoided for two days. A sunscreen should be applied to treated areas when going outdoors. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight until all swelling, bruising, and redness has disappeared.

Like the majority of patients, you can expect pleasing results after this type of surgery. Remember, however, that it will not stop the formation of new veins. You would have to undergo further treatment for these. Sometimes, it is not possible to eradicate all imperfections during the procedure. If you have keloid scarring, you will not be suitable for this treatment because the laser comes into contact with the skin.

As you can see, vein therapy are becoming increasingly popular, but it is important to understand and research all aspects involved with varicose veins. Inquire about the cost, possible risks, and other issues. Remember, it is basically invasive surgery and the results can’t be reversed. As such, it should be done by an experienced, skilled, and reputable plastic surgeon.

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