Recognizing Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Problems

10th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Liver trouble symptoms are often “silent” in the early stages of a liver problem, and they generally don’t appear until significant liver damage has already occurred and liver function has been reduced or somehow compromised. Without liver blood tests (commonly known as a liver panel or liver function tests), most people never suspect they have a problem until some of the symptoms of liver trouble listed below begin to appear.

Since many people never get an annual physical or liver function tests, it’s especially important to become familiar with signs of liver trouble so you can recognize, as soon as possible, that you may have a liver disease or disorder.

Pain in the liver area is probably the most recognizable symptom of liver trouble. The liver area is considered to be, generally speaking, the upper right side of the abdomen near the bottom of the rib cage.

* Unusual coughing which is not accompanied by a cold or the flu.

* An unusual lack of energy, fatigue and weariness.

* A feeling of nauseousness, along with fever and occasional vomiting.

* You may have more headaches than in the past.

* Bowel habits may become irregular, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea.

* Unexplained weight loss and reduced interest in eating are typical symptoms of liver trouble.

* Pain in the muscles and joints.

* Throat pain and a runny nose.

Liver trouble symptoms often include unusual sensitivities to bright light and various odors. Some smells may be extremely disagreeable.

Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes, is one of the most serious symptoms of liver trouble, as are light-colored stools and darker-than-normal urine..

Hemochromatosis is a disorder that is another of the more serious signs of liver trouble. It causes too much iron to build up in the liver. When you have hemochromatosis, you are likely to experience

* elevated blood sugar levels,

* an unusual feeling of tiredness and reduced energy,

* reduced sexual desire in women and impotence in men,

* women may menstruate less frequently,

* liver function test results that are abnormal,

* a thyroid condition known as low thyroid or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism),

* abdomen pain,

* arthritic pain, soreness and discomfort in the hands and fingers.

Symptoms of liver trouble are serious and should not be taken lightly. Your liver performs dozens of metabolic functions that control how well your body operates, how you feel, and your general state of health. You can’t live without your liver: once liver function has been destroyed by abuse or disease, you cannot survive unless you have a liver transplant.

Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you start to feel any pain in the liver area, or experience some of the other liver trouble symptoms mentioned above. Liver trouble, like most other health conditions, is more likely to be cured the earlier it is diagnosed.

Are you searching for additional information on liver trouble symptoms? Click on signs and symptoms of liver trouble.

Neal Kennedy is a former radio and TV reporter with a special interest in health and fitness topics. You can read more of his articles about liver health at Treating Liver Diseases.

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