Significant Indicators For Panic And Anxiety Attacks And How You Can Detect Them

4th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you ever suffered real signs of a panic attack? If yes, then you recognize how worried and possibly scared they can make a person. The primary root for that is that you just have no way to tell when the next one will come in to being. As you know, it is not possible to be able to make any kind of prediction as to when another panic attack episode will happen. Just in the US alone, almost 3 million people suffer form panic disorder which is frequent panic attacks. Well, think about all the undiagnosed people who have had just one panic attack, or maybe two, but nothing on a frequent basis. In this article, we will talk about several panic attack symptoms, and maybe that knowledge will help you to identify others.

One symptom of these attacks is a suddenly racing heart. Typically this means that your heart rate suddenly accelerates and is through the roof. Experiencing a sudden feeling of a rapidly beating heart can cause terror in the person. This terrifying because the sudden increased heart rate can make someone think that they are having a heart attack and may suddenly die.

This symptom can be very serious, obviously. If you experience this symptom, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Panic attacks can also be signaled by sudden blurry vision. This symptom can be dangerous for very obvious reasons. There are potentially serious risks if your vision suddenly becomes blurry while you’re driving your car. Someone having a stroke can also experience suddenly blurry vision. Letting your doctor know about the more serious symptoms of a panic attack will allow them to do any further testing and evaluation that may be necessary. Vision anomalies like blurriness and extreme tunnel vision can also be symptoms of certain types of eye infections. This can lead to some confusion.

Another sort of panic attack manifestation includes time consciousness. The signal is a feeling or impression that time is creeping by. Not to make light of this in any way, nevertheless we each have had the feeling of doing something we really dread, or be somewhere we’d really rather not be. Nevertheless, this is totally unlike the other more frequent, non-panic attack sensation. There is a very differential sensation that time has slowed down, and the sensation can loiter for hours of just last a mere 15 minutes or less. We deem that even if you have been faced with this once, yet it is a wise idea to meet with your medical practitioner about it. Panic attacks are not just in your head and are never pleasant. They are a serious issue and should be treated accordingly. A person who has had at least one panic attack is at a greater risk for experiencing another one. You need to see your doctor immediately if you have symptoms that appear out of the ordinary or potentially serious.

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