Should I Worry If I Have Polyps In My Colon?

4th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You’ve probably heard of colon polyps, but the term sigmoid polyp may be less familiar to you. A sigmoid polyp is a mass of cells that grows inside the sigmoid colon, which is the S-shaped part of the colon near the very end of the intestines. A sigmoid polyp is regarded by doctors as a precancerous condition. In other words, it may become malignant, but it may not.

Although colon polyps don’t always become cancerous, it’s sensible to have them removed once they’re found. They can be removed while you’re having a colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is a simple outpatient procedure where a specialist is able to look at the lining of the colon to make sure that your colon is healthy. He or she will use a device known as a colonoscope. This diagnostic tool consists of a a long tube with a tiny video camera on the front, giving the doctor a chance to look for signs of colon cancer in the walls and the inside lining of the colon.

A number of different types of sigmoid polyps have been defined. One kind appears small and flat. These are referred to as sedentary polyps. Polyps they can look more like a mushroom with a stem. This type is called a pedunculated polyp.

As previously mentioned, sigmoid polyps can be relatively small – as small as a pea. Others are huge and can be the size of a golf ball. The ones that are smaller and shaped like mushrooms become cancerous less often than those that are flat and large. Typically, the bigger the sigmoid polyp, the higher the risk that it will become cancerous someday.

The risk factors that are connected to sigmoid polyps. They are as follows

* Getting older – they seem much more frequently after age fifty

* Becoming obese

* Use of cigarettes and other forms of tobacco

* Eating a lot of low fiber, high fat foods

* Factors involving heredity – you’re more likely to have a sigmoid polyp, if there are others in your family who also had them

There are usually no symptoms of small sigmoid polyps. This is why you hear so much about the importance of a colonoscopy.

Noticeable signs are possible with large sigmoid polyps. They might include

* Bowel movements that have traces of blood

* A change in stool shape during bowel movements: they become more narrow

* Bowel movements that become uncomfortable or even painful

* Changes in bowel habits with more constipation or diarrhea than usual

Sigmoid polyps that are diagnosed early can as a rule be removed safely and fully. The number one step is to establish whether a mass is malignant or not. Your doctor might take a sample at some point in a colonoscopy and have it analyzed.

There is no way to prevent sigmoid polyps from developing. But you can safely bring down your risk with lifestyle changes and regular screenings.

Stay fit by getting regular exercise and eat healthier food (in particular high fiber types) decidedly help. Make sure you get adequate calcium since it helps protect you against cancer. Broccoli, kale and canned salmon are great sources of calcium. Vitamin D also appears to bring down your risk.

If you smoke, stop. If you consume excessive alcohol, cut back.

A sigmoid polyp doesn’t have to unnerve you. The vital thing is to find out whether you have colon polyps or not, and to have them taken out if you do.

Get additional details on symptoms of colon polyps and related topics, click on symptoms of colon polyps and colonoscopy preparation.

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