Negative Outcomes Connected With Obesity On Our Bodies

10th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It cannot be hidden that the American population is getting more and more obese with each passing day. But, this growth is not in terms of addition people, it is in terms of weight. Sadly enough a majority of the American population is obese. This condition does not just apply to adults. Obesity is also affecting American youth in a very negative way. This condition negatively changes the body in the long run. Sadly enough a lot of affected body parts cannot be returned back to their previous state. As a result of this overweight most people will also get depressed. So they have an additional aspect to get worried about, how to treat depression. So, the following article is going to list a few ways in which obesity has a negative impact on the human body.

The Vicious Cycle Starts

Ask any obese female and she will tell you that she is not a very happy person in general. Yes, she might joke about her weight status, but this is all that she can do until she makes a change to get rid of the weight. Getting enough exercise and eating a balanced diet is the most reproductive method for getting rid of unwanted weight. However, due to her large size, she is not able to exercise without experiencing discomfort. Every time that she tries to exercise, she gets short winded.

As a result, this leads to a sedentary lifestyle that brings about bad consequences such as high blood pressure and type two diabetes. Diabetes and high blood pressure are expensive in terms of medical treatment. She either accumulates high medical bills or has to pay for expensive medication to treat her condition. These things will cause her to dish out a lot of her income on a monthly basis. She starts to fall behind on her bills, which sinks her into a deep depression. She knows that she needs to lose weight, but she does not have the energy to do so. She also knows that obesity is affecting her lifestyle in a negative way. But, she is clueless as to how to commit to a change.

Does this scenario sound like you in a way? This seems to be the current problem for tons of American women. Not only does obesity have such a bad impact on your body, but it starts to make you feel bad about yourself as well.

Obesity Changes the Body in These Ways

Being overweight can transform into heart disease. Because of fat, your body’s arteries will clump up with plaque build up. When this occurs, the amount of oxygen rich blood that goes to your heart is decreased. Sadly enough, when too much of this plaque is in existence, it will cause you to have a heart attack. In extreme circumstances, this build up of plaque can lead to actual heart failure.

Obesity can cause strokes. Plaque buildup is also the culprit in this scenario too. However, with a stroke, the plaque breaks into tiny chunks and transforms into a blood clot. When this blood clot gets too close to your brain, it can create a blockage that cuts off the flow of oxygen. This will trigger a stroke.

Obesity makes fat change into estrogen, which will cause buildup. Most women may have never heard this logic, but an abundance of estrogen can make your body imbalanced in terms of hormones. First, it can turn into cancer in your reproductive system. More estrogen and fat will make even more insulin production. As a result, your body will create more cancer cells. Secondly, the extra estrogen in your body will make your menstrual cycle get out of whack. In order for ovulation to take place, there has to be a healthy balance between estrogen and progesterone.

If there is not the right amount of progesterone and estrogen, then you will not be able to ovulate. This means that you cannot get pregnant if there is no egg to fertilize. Obesity is one of the main reasons that many women cannot get pregnant. Because of the extra fat that has transformed into estrogen, the body has too much estrogen. The only way to get your reproductive system back on track is to get rid of a few pounds. For a lot of women, they would only have to eliminate around 20 percent of their body weight in order to get pregnant.

In conclusion, obesity is a rollercoaster ride that many people never seem to leave. Between the medical conditions, expensive medications and changes in finances, this can also sink you into a deep depression. Make a change to get around this disruption.

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