Terrible Results Of Obesity On The Human Body

15th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is no secret that the American population is getting bigger and bigger by the minute. However, this growth is not in terms in numbers, but it is in measured in terms of weight. Unfortunately, much of the American population is fat. This condition does not just impact adults.American children are also affected by obesity in a negative manner. This condition negatively impacts the body in the long run. Sadly enough a lot of affected body parts cannot be returned back to their previous state. Thanks to this weight problems most people will also get depressed. So they have yet another point to get worried about, how to treat depression. So, this article will list some of the ways in which being overweight can have a bad effect on the body.

The Continuous Cycle Begins

Ask any obese female and she will tell you that she is not a very happy person in general. Sure, she might try to pretend that being a big girl does not bother her, but until she loses the weight, she has no other choice but to accept her present condition. Getting enough exercise and eating a balanced diet is the most reproductive method for getting rid of unwanted weight. But because she is so obese, she cannot do physical activity without it hurting her. Each time that she exercises, it makes it difficult for her to breath because of the extra motion.

As a result, this leads to a sedentary lifestyle that brings about bad consequences such as high blood pressure and type two diabetes. Medical conditions such as these are very expensive to treat. She will either have pay unaffordable medical bills or continue to pay for expensive monthly medical bills. Unfortunately, this is now cutting into her finances. She starts to fall behind on her bills, which sinks her into a deep depression. She realizes that at this point, she has to get rid of the weight, but she is too tired and depressed to do it. She realizes that obesity is not doing anything to improve her life. However, she is not knowledgeable on how to make a change.

Does this characterize you? This sort of scene depicts a lot of women in America. Obesity negatively affects both your body and your mind.

Ways that it Affects the Body

Being overweight can cause heart disease. Your body has excess fat that causes plaque build up in your arteries. When this occurs, the amount of oxygen rich blood that goes to your heart is decreased. Sadly enough, when too much of this plaque is in existence, it will cause you to have a heart attack. This plaque can also make your heart give out too.

Being overweight can make you have a stroke. Plaque buildup is also the culprit in this scenario too. However, in this instance, the plaque will crumble into small pieces and change into a blood clot. When this blood clot gets too close to your brain, it can create a blockage that cuts off the flow of oxygen. This will prompt a stroke.

Obesity makes fat change into estrogen, which will cause buildup. Many people are not knowledgeable about it, but estrogen can trigger the female body to get out of whack if there is too much of supply. First, it can turn into cancer in your reproductive system. More estrogen and fat will develop even more insulin production. This will create more cancer cells. Secondly, the additional estrogen in your body will make your menstrual cycle get out of whack. In order for ovulation to occur, there has to be a healthy balance between estrogen and progesterone.

If the correct balance is not present, you will not release an egg for the month. This expresses that you cannot get pregnant if there is no egg to fertilize. Obesity is the number one cause for many women not being to get pregnant. Because of the extra fat that has transformed into estrogen, the body has too much estrogen. Your only alternative is to get rid of a few pounds so that you can make your reproductive function properly. A lot of times it only takes a reduction of 20 percent of your total body weight to see a difference in your menstrual cycle.

In conclusion, obesity can cause a vicious cycle that many women are not able to break. You will be obligated to pay medical bills and medications that can wreck havoc on your lifestyle. Find a way to make a change so that your life can get back on track again.

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